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Plainville CT Athletics
So you have a passion for continuing to play your sport at the collegiate level. It's more than just practicing your sport hours on end until mom is yelling at you it's time to come in to do homework. It's just as important to know how to market yourself to the school you want to play at. Here's some helpful links and information that will help you take it to the next level.
Below is the registration process and guidelines you need to follow to play a sport at the D1 & D2 colligate level. High School Athletes need to register.
Technology has made it easier and more cost effective for coaches to recruit players. Not so long ago coaches had to travel the globe scouting the players that best fit there needs. Now video and online technology has enabled the players to market themselves directly to the coaches. Here are some services and ways that are recommended
Market yourself to college coaches
Athletic Player Videos
Have a highlight video professionally created for your player that coaches can watch to see if they are a fit for their program. It's the ultimate athlete marketing tool.
Premier CT Sports Marketing Companies
Athletic Player Websites
Have a website professionally created for your player that coaches can visit & see videos of play, bio information, school grades, achievements and more. It's the ultimate athlete marketing tool.
Contact Our Player Marketing Center For More
Watch videos of me play and see my academic acheivments.
Courtesy of Eric Swallow former Uconn Soccer Coach & Athletic Director
Visit Captain U a great recruiting website & player marketing tool. Approved by college coaches. The site has free functions as well as advanced features for a small fee.
Highly recommended. It will make the process easy and keep you organized.
Click logo below to visit Captain U
Be the next Plainville Athletic Star!
For College-Bound Athletes Compliance with NCAA and NAIA Rules Begins in High School: Review of the Requirements and webinar. Click here for more.